6 Day Man Podcast
This podcast explores life through a Biblical lens. Listen in to hear Bible Studies, Men's Fellowship, Meaningful Conversations on Manhood, Family, and Leadership topics. Hear different points of views on religion, politics, culture and society. We will leave no stone unturned. Most of all, this podcast searches for Understanding, Meaning and our Purpose in Life...
20 episodes
Pillar of Partnership from the 6 Day Man Project
Partnership in marriage as God intended. Marriage is sacred and binding in the Kingdom of God, and I talk about that first marriage.
Wise and Shine
Witnessing to a Fallen World. The End is near and Jesus is Returning. We are one day closer to the last trumpet blown. Christians need to kick it in high gear and start witnessing to people.
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith Intro and Chapter 1
Josh Avila Youth Pastor at Grace Baptist Church is teaching the youth on 1689 Confession - Reformed Theology
Pillars of Truth.2
Josh Avila Youth Pastor is teaching the youth on early church protocol. It's a really good listen so listen in on a youth class.
Godly Men to Men of God
Is there a difference between godly men and men of God? The answer is in the details. Men's Ministry is an Action ministry, a Men's Club is a talking Ministry.I talk about a matrix in this episode and you can download it from my website - <...
Once Saved Always Saved
Controversial Subject Matter that I thought I would tackle. The Bible is a love story, it's a story of forgiveness and redemption. The theme is the same - Obey my commands and live. Let's see how that plays out in our journey of being saved.
Bible Study on Jeremiah 24
No frills listen to a Saturday morning study on the two Baskets of Figs in Jeremiah 24. The men share their viewpoints and discuss the matter of Jeremiah's vision.
7 Practices of the Early Church
Ector gives us 7 practices of the early church in Acts, before the conversion of Paul. Paul then went on to preach the "Good News" to the Gentiles. These 7 practices are just as much part of a Christians life today as they were 2000 years ago.
Characteristics of Antichrist
I start in Matthew 24 then go to Daniels Prophecy's. I do not guess who is Antichrist in this episode but rather give Biblical characteristics of the nature and behavior of the one who ushers in Jesus's return. I touch on rapture and judgement ...
Evolution of Man
Today's man is not the man of the Bible. Certainly not the man God created on the 6th day. We will go through the stages of man's evolution. It starts in male-hood and goes to brother-hood. Follow along as I analyze the different stage
Created in the image and likeness in 5 Minutes
A simple explanation on God creating man in His image, and Our Likeness. If you want to learn about our "Purpose" then listen to "Life in the Garden" where I go deeper in to God's plan for man.
Study Discussion on Jeremiah 21
Jeremiah is referred to as the "Weeping Prophet". Going through our study you feel the anguish for his countrymen and the pressure of delivering God's message to the inhabitants of Judah and specifically Jerusalem.
Study Discussion on Jeremiah 19
Men's Bible Study in Jeremiah chapter 19. God's judgement will be harsh and we see God's Sovereignty playout. Jeremiah is anguished over the message he has to deliver. We touch on the past, present and future judgements.
Roman's Road to Salvation
Roman's Road to Salvation is a map to Eternity. There is a cost to following Jesus but the reward is eternal.
What can we learn from the first Eve
The first female of the human race. Mother of all humankind. Deceived by a talking serpent. What can we learn from Eve?